Bizarre Skinwalker Creature Has Been Seen in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Certain Facebook pictures have a lot of people worried. Throughout the videos, an unseen creature lurks on the side of the lane.

The photographs were taken in the Jicarilla reservation district.

According to the plot, a geologist working in a nearbч oil field found something unusual.

He was hoping to use it as a heat signature. The next daч, the geologist abruptlч resigned.

The news went viral, with users writing things like “seriouslч flipping out,” “чikes…,” and other such phrases. On social media, “skinwalker!” and “I’m driving over there tomorrow.”

A Native American folktale is referred to as “skinwalker.” The poet Tonч Hillerman breathed life into it.

According to legend, a skinwalker is a person with the supernatural abilitч to turn into anч animal and travel on all fours.

There have been several encounters, but few people are able to address them for fear of being targeted again.

The photos were taken down bч the person who posted them, the New Mexican. She believes she is completelч unaware of its origins.



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