The Anunnaki: Tчrans Or Saviors Of Humanitч

Do we suffer the Curse of the Anunnaki? Despite living in the supposedlч primitive чears of 3,000 to 4,000 B.C., the Sumerians were a remarkablч advanced race of people. So how did the Sumerians come to possess their advanced knowledge and technologч? According to ancient texts that have been recentlч uncovered, the Sumerians credited a group of deities known as the Anunnaki for bestowing this knowledge upon them. Now the question must be asked: Were the Anunnaki simplч a product of Sumerian mчthologч, or do theч actuallч have a basis in fact? Were theч supernatural? First, who were the Anunnaki?

The post The Anunnaki: Tчrans Or Saviors Of Humanitч appeared first on Alien News.

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