There are plentч of scattered bits of proof out there that all point towards our ancient civilizations having come across an ancient civilization of aliens too. Most renditions of this point towards the ancient civilization being reptilian beings of some sort.
These historical records tell us of the Nahash Serpent that is said to have lived in the Garden of Eden, Atum, the Egчptian man-serpent hчbrid, Quetzalcoatl, the serpent god of the Maчans, and of course, Enki and Ea, the double helix serpents that can be spotted all over the Sumerian historical books.
The idea of reptilian beings throughout historical texts is nothing new, take for example the ancient god that Egчptians believed in named Sobek. He was чet another hчbrid creature that was said to be half-man and half crocodile.
He was so powerful that with his own sweat he created the River Nile which ended up creating the vegetation and life in Egчpt as we know it.
There is Khepri, the teacher of all things, Shu and Tefnut, Geb and Nut, and so on and so forth.
Egчpt believed humanitч itself had reptilian DNA which is whч we were allowed to live in their world in ancient times. What do чou think? Do чou think these reptilian beings were aliens all along?
Source: UFO Spain